The Art of Public Speaking is the art of giving power to words – to influence, inspire and transform lives as it was done at the Elocution Competition At Boston World School on Friday, 10th July, gave students a good opportunity to combat with the biggest fear factor i.e. stage fear.
Although the competition was held online, the students had to prepare just like they would have in a normal school setting.
Competitions like these allow the student to connect with the audience and also understand the concepts of voice modulation. The practice is very essential before going on stage and the preparation must be a sincere effort.
These topics were designed carefully, to help students research and add their own thoughts to make the speech effective and powerful.
Our Judges admitted having a great time hearing the children speak so well but also a tough time judging on who could possibly win.
All in all this Elocution Competition on Friday morning was full of excitement, cheer, a little bit of nervousness, but a great stage for children to speak up and let their voices be heard.